Officers & Directors

Kearney Trust Company

NMLS* ID #423039

Keith E. Doss

Chairman of the Board

Scott Middleton

NMLS ID #454375


Melissa Relling

Corporate Secretary

Daniel J. Wilmes 

NMLS ID #454377

 Vice President/Loan Officer

Jason Scott Hoyt

NMLS ID #804569

Vice President/Loan Officer

Daniel Goodroad 

NMLS ID #1848370


Vice President/Loan Officer 



Tonya Howes

Vice President/Marketing

Jennifer Bettis

Internal Auditor

Ginger Auer 

Compliance Officer 





Keith E. Doss

Scott Middleton

Gerald Barr

Larry Strange

James Hedrick

Melissa Relling

David Rhodus


(*) Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS)